Change of Plans

Plans have changed a bit in the last . . . hour or two. I was planning on going to a camp in Karlovy Vary tomorrow morning, but I received a phone call that quickly changed those plans. Now, I will meet up with Christ Community's youth camp, in Pisek. The main reason I'm going there, is because the church they work with (Elim Church) planned on taking out a loan to finish their church building. A few hours ago, they found out that they will not be able to get that loan. So they called me to see if I could make a video for them. I don't know any more details about it; I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I get to Pisek. Then, I received another phone call asking if I could be a teacher at camp, since I will be there anyways. It starts tomorrow and they had someone cancel last minute. So I'll be going to Pisek tomorrow morning, teaching English in the mornings, and doing video production in the afternoons. I'll be there until the following Monday, when I'll take a train back to Ĺ umperk. I'll let you know how it went when I get back.


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