
Well, I'm hoping my lack of consistency on here didn't turn everyone away from reading this. I'm also hoping that after the summer slows down, I'll update this more frequently. (I'm guessing that once my computer is fixed, I'll do much better at this.)

So here are my summer plans:

July 11-14 - Camp Training in Malenovice
July 15-22 - Youth Camp in Pisek (with Blanchard Road Alliance Church in Wheaton)
July 23-28 - At home in Pisek. Along with Camp follow-up. (Ali Fuehring will also be staying with me that week)
July 29-August 5 - Youth Camp in Pisek (with Christ Community Church)
August 6 - Official Church Grand Opening
August 6-12 - Follow up

There are a few things you can be praying for. I'll write more after all of this when I have time to breathe again.

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