Three Weeks

Well, I’ve now lived in Czech for just about three weeks now. Although, I have to tell you, it doesn’t feel like I live here yet; I feel like I’m just visiting. I don’t think the reality has really sunk in yet. Part of it is because I’m not completely moved in to my apartment. My things are still in boxes waiting for me to unpack them. Which I would love to do, but I have no place to put them yet. I found a bunch of things at a second-hand shop, and those will be sent on Friday. After that, it’ll feel more like home.

I started language lessons this week. Part of me feels like it won’t be that difficult, and the other part is so overwhelmed that I find it hard to study. I probably pick up on every 100th word, so that doesn’t help with the whole conversational aspect. Every once-in-a-while, I’ll be able to pick up on what people are talking about. I’m starting to write down words on flashcards to learn them faster.

If you’re wondering how you can pray for me, please pray that I will be able to absorb this language like a sponge. I never thought I would pray to become a sponge before, but I can’t think of anything more accurate. So, every time you wash your dishes with a sponge, or every time the kids are watching Sponge Bob, think of me . . . and better yet, pray for me. Pray that I would become that sponge. :-) Thanks.


Anonymous said...
9:40 PM

Hey there. Autumn! I thought I would bombard you with love- as best I am able from this distance...hee-hee! Will e-mail you too! I have discovered blogging and find it tremendously satisfying! If you should have time...
Until later

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