13 Ways to Bless Missionaries Without Paying for Postage

I came across this blog post, and thought I'd share it with you:

13 Ways to Bless Missionaries Without Paying for Postage

Since I'm not overseas right now, I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to encourage you to pray for and encourage the missionaries you know. A couple of my favorites from this list are: pray for the missionary and email it to them, and make them a video. It's amazing how much it means when you hear a familiar voice or see a familiar face...even if it's through a video. The other ideas are great as well, those are the two that stood out to me the most.

So if you know of any missionaries (besides me), I would encourage you to pray for them, and consider encouraging them in a different way. And if you don't know any missionaries, and want to be praying for one (or more)...let me know and I can get you connected. I'm often amazed when I hear of people who are praying for me who I've never even met. It's truly a blessing to have people on their knees praying for the ministry.

1 Thessalonians 5:11, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."


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