Exit Responses and Statistics

1. Another Dimension - total viewers: 101,600
2. Love - total viewers: 125, 200
3. Friendship - total viewers: 111, 500

What this doesn't include is those who are viewing it on the website of Czech Television. Several thousand people are going on to watch it there as well. http://www.ceskatelevize.cz/vysilani/10109769637-exit-316-jina-dimenze/24566.htm

“Exit 316 is generating an unusual level of response”.
-Memo from the press secretary at Czech Television to the Executive Director in Prague.

“It's just great what the Exit does! It just gives me so many opportunities to talk to my schoolmates about God! When one of my schoolmates saw my Bible, so he read it for a while and then asked me if I could get him one! Some other guys read the Bible, too and even one who wears a Satan symbol. I've never had so many opportunities to talk about God at school!”
-Honza Vosalik-High School student, Pisek

“This show is addressing issues that all young people face – I’m going to use it for discussion in my social studies class every week.”
-Non-believing mom who is a teacher in a public school. Her daughter, Petra, gave a testimony in the first episode of Exit.

“I’ve been trying to get small groups going in our youth group for two years. Now Exit starts and all of the sudden we have three groups meeting every week!”
-Youth group leader in Tabor.

“I just received news that Exit is in 2nd place for the most watched show on the internet this week (the week it aired), and in 3rd place for the most watched show on the internet for the entire year!! They say that 75,000 viewed the premiere on TV last Wednesday, and 500 – 1000 people a day are watching it on the internet.”
-Lubos Hlavsa, director and film editor for Exit 316.


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