
I've decided to take on a pretty big project. I could just start packing, but why do something easy, when it could be more complicated? I decided to sort through everything I own and get rid of the things I'll never use again. Right now, you can barely walk through the front room! I set up a few tables and brought everything up from the basement, so pretty much everything I own is on these tables. It's a pretty overwhelming task, but I'll be glad to be done with it!

In the end...I hope to bring everything I own in two (okay, maybe three) suitcases.

my lack of artistic abilities

(Thanks Hawaii-I used your pictures again.)

I have many friends who are very artistic (such as my friend Mollie). I however am not. I even came across my 5th grade report card, and I received points for "effort". I think that's just a nice way of saying, "You tried." It's okay, though. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm not artistic, but because of it I'm able to appreciate other people who are artistic even more.

A few months ago, I decided to take on a little project. Now, my artistic friends will probably get a kick out of how clueless I am when it comes to art. One of my favorite games is Settlers of Catan. One thing that's always bothered me is that you have to put the box away perfectly in order for everything to fit in the box. So I thought it would help if I made little bags to sort the pieces a little better. I bought all the materials I needed...and they ended up sitting in my closet for months. I couldn't figure out the best way to make these bags. So the materials sat and sat. Now that I'm leaving soon, I realized, if I don't do these now-I'm never going to do them. So I got everything out...the materials, the sewing machine...and I went upstairs to ask my mom how to do them. As she was explaining it to me, she suddenly realized I had no idea what she was talking about. She stopped mid-sentence and said, "I can't believe you can't visualize this!" That's when she decided she'd take on the project herself. She had me help...but in the same way she'd have my four-year-old niece help. (I pushed the string through...and turned the bags inside out...) :) It's pretty embarrassing that I'm that clueless when it comes to something as simple as sewing! BUT we *cough* she finished the bags...and I'm pretty excited about them! THANKS MOM!

a new kind of worship

Kyle and I were in the car the other day when he wanted to listen to music. He said he didn't care what we listened to, so I put on a Czech worship CD (to see how he would react). He now has a new favorite worship song, and asks me to play it every time we're driving. I liked the song before...and now I appreciate it in a different way. Plus, I love the lyrics!

Here's the song:

Ke Slávě Tvé

Ježíš Kristus On je Král
Ježíš Kristus On je Král
On žije, On z mrtvých vstal

Před ním se jednou pokloní
Celé nebe a celá zem
Vždyt všechno, co On učinil
Stvořil ke chvále své
Ke chvále své jmenou

(Thank you Katka Vlnova for translating probably don't even remember doing it.)

Jesus Christ He is King
Jesus Christ He is King
He’s alive, He rose from the dead

In front of Him, I will one day bow
The whole sky and the whole ground
And so everything He’s made
Was created for His glory
To praise His name

funny videos

My family keeps telling me I find the funniest videos on YouTube. I keep telling them, my friends find them, and I pass them along. So I thought I would pass along some of my favorite YouTube videos.

Kyle and Blake showed me these two videos...they're a couple of their favorites.

Blood (Don't be confused by the title, it's not gory in any way.)

Charlie Bit My Finger

Lady goes back to work after many years...
(Thanks to Judy Brack)

The Translator (even though it should be called 'The Interpreter')
I hope no one gets offended by this. It just shows how important it is to have a good a funny way.

And last, but not least...

Confessions of a Tooth Fairy (Thank you Ryan Schultz)
By the way, this entire video has been quoted many many times at our house.

my status

This time of waiting is finally coming to an end! (At least, I hope so!)

Praise God, I'm at 95% with my monthly support! This means, I'll probably be heading back to Czech in February!

I'm a little hesitant to post this, since I'm not at 100% and don't know for sure that I'll be leaving in February, but I also want to ask you to pray with me! Please pray that God will provide the last little bit of support so I can get back to Czech soon. Also pray that He will continue to draw me closer to Him in the process. It's so easy for me to feel like I'm at 95%, so I'm already there, instead of remembering that the last 5% won't come in without Him. He has continually provided and shown His faithfulness and I pray that I'll continue to seek Him with this last little bit. I also want to keep seeking Him in other areas, as well. I don't want the support to be the only thing drawing me to my knees.

This Psalm has been one of my favorites lately.

"Praise the LORD, all nations!
Extol Him, all peoples!
For great is His steadfast love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever.
Praise the LORD!"
-Psalm 117

Hopefully my next post will include my departure date!

food logs

Kyle and Blake (11 & 9) have to log what they're eating for school. Blake was helping Kyle what he's eaten this week (of course, he's doing his daily reading log on Sunday), and here's part of the conversation that was going on:

Blake: What kind of Pepsi, diet or regular?

Kyle: Diet?!? I'm not on a diet!

Me: You know, some people drink diet pop because they like the taste.

Blake: HOW?!?

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