funny videos

My family keeps telling me I find the funniest videos on YouTube. I keep telling them, my friends find them, and I pass them along. So I thought I would pass along some of my favorite YouTube videos.

Kyle and Blake showed me these two videos...they're a couple of their favorites.

Blood (Don't be confused by the title, it's not gory in any way.)

Charlie Bit My Finger

Lady goes back to work after many years...
(Thanks to Judy Brack)

The Translator (even though it should be called 'The Interpreter')
I hope no one gets offended by this. It just shows how important it is to have a good a funny way.

And last, but not least...

Confessions of a Tooth Fairy (Thank you Ryan Schultz)
By the way, this entire video has been quoted many many times at our house.


Ryan said...
8:22 PM

I'm glad you liked the tooth fairy video. I have a couple friends that I quote it with all the time too. And my "location" on your list of links cracked me up...very true!

Oh, and the Charlie video is hilarious. I love his accent!

Autumn said...
4:03 AM

My family LOVES the tooth fairy video. My parents were at their friends' house when they called me to ask where to find it.

And I posted that "location" a while ago, and wondered when you would notice it...I thought you'd appreciate it.

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